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当前位置:家教网首页 > 呼和浩特家教网 > 外语学习 > 英语热词:缺觉的“吸血鬼一代”vampire generation

英语热词:缺觉的“吸血鬼一代”vampire generation

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2017-10-21


A broken night’s sleep is nothing new for any parent. What is unusual are the legions of older children now suffering from sleep problems well into their late teens — the ‘vampire generation’ as they’ve been dubbed.


In general, children between the ages of ten and 18 need around nine to ten hours’ sleep. But experts warn that, nowadays, seven is often the norm, with many getting far less.


And this lack of sleep is having a serious impact on children’s health — with insufficient sleep linked to everything from impeded brain development to heart problems, depression and obesity.


Some teachers are now so concerned that they allow ‘nap’ times in classrooms so exhausted students can catch up.


So, what can be done to help your child sleep better? Having a regular, calming bedtime routine, which includes shutting down all devices and turning down loud music and bright light is vital, says Dr Winwood.




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