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当前位置:家教网首页 > 呼和浩特家教网 > 外语学习 > 双语阅读:专家建议“洞洞鞋”不宜长时间穿


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2017-12-26

Love them or hate them, Crocs — the rubber clogs that started out in 2002 as boater-floaters for Jimmy Buffett types in Florida but have now sold more than 300 million pairs in 90 countries — are here to stay.

卡洛驰于2002年创建在佛罗里达,当时是为划船运动而生产的吉米 巴菲特式的轻便橡胶鞋。而无论你喜欢还是讨厌,这些鞋已经在90个国家售出了三亿多双——它已经扎稳了根基。

Treasured for their comfort, rubberiness and floatability, they’re equally popular with toddlers and Mario Batali.

人们喜爱卡洛驰洞洞鞋的舒适、有弹性和轻便,学步的小孩和马里奥 巴塔利都很喜欢。

“They are great at the dog park or in the backyard where I am likely to step in something that is very difficult to clean off sneakers but comes off easily with a hose or a wipe from my clogs,” one wearer writes in an Amazon review.




“Great protection for toes and great to lounge around. Also great for travel in tropics with aquatic activities,” another says.


Good points,all.


Crocs are affordable, and at this point, classic ... but what do podiatrists — you know, actual doctors who want you to live your best life — think about them?


They’re not fans — at least not the doctors we spoke with.


“Unfortunately Crocs are not suitable for all-day use,” Dr. Megan Leahy, a Chicago-based podiatrist with the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute, told HuffPost. While she granted that they “offer nice arch support,” she added that the real reason you shouldn’t wear them over long periods of time is that “these shoes do not adequately secure the heel. When the heel is unstable, toes tend to grip which can lead to tendinitis, worsening of toe deformities, nail problems, corns and calluses. The same thing can happen with flip flops or any backless shoes as the heel is not secured.”

位于芝加哥的伊利诺伊州骨骼和关节研究所足病医生梅甘 莱西对《赫芬顿邮报》说:“不幸的是,洞洞鞋不适合全天穿着。”但是她承认“它们给足弓提供了很好的支撑”,她补充说不应长时间穿着的真正原因是这些鞋不能给脚后跟提供足够的支撑。如果脚后跟不稳定,脚趾就会紧紧抓地,可能导致肌腱炎、加剧脚趾变形、指甲异常、鸡眼、产生老茧。人字拖或任何形式的拖鞋都会产生同样的问题,因为脚后跟得不到支撑。

Dr. Alex Kor, the president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, told HuffPost that the most important feature in any shoe is the shank, the supportive structure between the heel and the toe. “Patients are more likely to have foot pain if their shoes bend in the shank,” said Kor.

美国运动足病医学学会主席亚历克斯 科尔对《赫芬顿邮报》说,任何一双鞋最重要的特征都是腰铁,就是脚后跟到脚趾的支撑结构。“如果鞋子在腰铁处弯曲,病人就更有可能脚痛,”科尔说。

Crocs, according to Kor, “are the ‘poster child’ for shoes with a flexible shank. ... In other words, on a daily basis, I see patients who come into my office complaining of arch or heel pain and they are wearing Crocs,” he said.


“The only two types of patients that may benefit from wearing Crocs are patients that have a very high arch or those who suffer from excessive edema of their legs and ankle,” Kor said. “But, under no circumstances can I suggest wearing Crocs 8 to 10 hours per day.”


Leahy agreed, telling HuffPost that Crocs are “OK to use for trips to the beach or the pool, but should not be used for long walks. I do notice that children (and even adults) tend to trip and fall more in these shoes.”


If you’re going to walk out with your Croc out, it’s best to do it in short intervals, lest you take a walk in Florida, where the Croc was born, trip into the marsh and fall into the mouth of a waiting crocodile, thus completing Mother Nature’s circle of life:



floater: 轻便鞋

rubbery: 有弹力的

toddler: 学步的小孩

lounge: 闲逛

aquatic: 水上的;水生的

edema: 水肿

shank: 腰铁



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