热词:职场中的蘑菇管理 mushroom management
【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-05】职场新人被分配到不受重视的部门,或被安排做打杂跑腿的工作,像他们自己所说的“吃的是杂粮、干的是杂活、做的是杂人”,而且经常代人受过,受到无端的批评、指责,缺少对他们必要的重视、指导和提携。这就是职场中的“蘑菇管理”定律。
Mushroom management is a style of management in which the personnel are not familiar with the ideas or the general state of the company, and are given work without knowing the purpose of this work. Open-book management is the opposite of mushroom management.
Mushroom management means that workers' curiosity and self-expression are not supported. The employees often have no idea what the company's overall situation is, because the leaders tend to make all the decisions on their own, without asking anyone else to give their opinion. This problem can occur when the manager does not understand the employees' work (in a programming company, for example) and therefore cannot communicate effectively with the employees.
The consequences of mushroom management can be extremely detrimental for everyone involved in the company. If the flow of information within a company is insufficient, the people involved often have a limited understanding of how to react in situations that require quick assessment and prompt decision making.