【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-29】看到可爱的熊猫宝宝,或者小猫、小狗的图片,大家都会忍不住感叹“好萌,好可爱”,而且可能还会加一些声调和语气来强调对这些小动物萌态的喜爱。嗯,太萌了,有时候都觉得词汇量不够用了。原来,老外也有这样的困惑,于是,他们就生生造出了一个词来形容那些萌得不要不要的小动物。
If the adoration of cute baby animals could be converted into electricity, the world would finally have a clean source of renewable energy, and all war would end. Unfortunately, that’s not possible, and instead we just have to come up with new words to describe these tiny, precious things. Enter “smol,” a mutated spelling of “small” that provides inflection and tone.
First used to describe a childish member of a boy band, smol came into vogue as a creature descriptor on Twitter and Tumblr in 2015 and brought with it an entirely bizarre new way to baby-talk about the animal kingdom. Those outside of the trend were either incredibly confused or brutally annoyed, but smol continues to be used widely as a way to make sure everyone knows that the animal you are describing is not just cute, but awwdowable.